Information for authors
Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economics. Politics is an academic journal that focuses the attention on the theory and methodology of research of social, socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural processes. It covers the latest research, concepts and theories, fresh practical ideas and initiatives and results, summarizes foreign experience in solving socio-economic, political, legal, ethno-cultural, historical, demographic and other aspects of the society.
The following types of articles are accepted for consideration:
- editorial materials which include the opening speech of the editor-in-chief or other members of the editorial board;
- research articles : the most common type of a journal manuscript used for publishing full reports on research results. This format is suitable for lots of different fields and types of research. It includes the whole sections, namely, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions;
- survey articles / literature reviews: they provide a comprehensive summary of research on a particular topic as well as an overview of the current situation of the industry and its development. Survey articles usually cite more than 50 primary scientific articles;
- book/monograph reviews: they include the author's evaluation of the book/monograph read.
Gratitude/congratulations / comments can be included in the journal, but indexing of such materials is not carried out.
The articles in Russian (or Russian and English) are accepted for consideration. From the second edition of 2019, after passing the external peer review, the article should be translated by the authors into English.
The articles submitted to the editorial board of Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economics. Politics Journal should be prepared strictly in accordance with all the requirements of the journal.
The editorial board accepts articles continuously during the year. Articles should have scientific novelty, rationale of the problem statement, clarity of presentation and be of interest to a wide range of readers. Before an article's submission, an author should aquaint himself with the standards of editorial ethics adopted in Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Sociology. Economics. Politics Journal. Additional information about the articles (requirements for formatting, date of a publication's issue and other information) can be obtained from the journal's editorial board.
Anarticle, formatted in accordance with all the requirements of the journal, should be sent via author's personal profile
Requirements for an article structure:
- Article's title (14 font size, semibold, full justification). The recommended volume is no more than 10 words.
- Information about the authors, when submitting an article for consideration to the journal, should be specified separately on the title page in order to preserve the process of double-blind peer review process;
- The Abstract (from 100 to 300 words; 11 font size, full justification, no paragraph indention) should reveal the actuality of the research problem; brief objectives that were set when writing an article; and include a leading method that allows to reveal the problem. Also, one should briefly list the main results and practical significance of the work.
- Keywords (no more than 6) should not duplicate the article's title.
- The main text of the article (12 font size, single line spacing, paragraph indentation is 0.8 cm, full justification) should correspond to the IMRAD structure.
According to the IMRAD structure, the text of the article should be divided into the following sections:
- Introduction;
- Literature review (optional);
- Materials and methods;
- Results and discussion;
- Conclusions;
- Recommendations (optional);
- References.
The Introduction should provide introductory information that is directly related to the article's topic. In the introduction, one should provide introductory information that is directly related to the article's topic. The introduction one should specify the problems that had not been solved in previous studies and will be revealed in the submitted work. The section one should cite at least 5 sources of references.
The Literature Review should briefly analyze the latest research and publications that are directly related to the article's topic.
The Materials and Methods should describe the sequence of conducting a research and justify the choice of the methods used. The description of materials and methods is needed for the detailed research of the subject and the opportunity of a reader to evaluate the correctness of this choice as well as to reason the results obtained.
The Section of Results The main objective of this section is clarifying the data and proving the working hypotheses. The results can be confirmed by illustrations, tables and graphs.
The Discussion includes interpretation and evaluation of the results obtained. The discussion includes interpretation and evaluation of the results obtained.
The Section of Conclusionshould provide brief results of the research and reason the main ideas of the main part of the work. But these statements should not exactly repeat the phrases from the main part of the article. Also, this Section can include the importance of this result for modern science or single out the most important direction of the further research.
The article's structure may not correspond to the IMRAD structure, if the editorial board determines that the submitted research belongs to survey papers.
The article's volume should include from 3000 to 6000 words. The figures should not exceed 25% of the total text. The material should be presented concisely, and data from tables and figures should not be duplicated in the text.
- The Figures are provided to the editorial board with resolving capacity of at least 300 dpi. The figures should be placed in the center without text wrapping. The figure captions (11 font size, italics) should be indicated below the figure and contain the numbering in the order mentioning in the text.
- The Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals and placed in the text in the sequential order. For every table there should be indicated the title (11 font size, centered justification, italics) which corresponds to the components of the table. The font size in the table can not exceed 10.
- The Equations should be typed using the formula editor. The numbering is pass-through.
- References (12 font size, full justification) is specified in the order of mentioning in the text. In the text the sources of references should be specified in square brackets. References must be formatted according to the ACA 6th Edition. The most common examples of formatting are listed below:
Babanskii, Y.K. (1988). Pedagogy. Moscow: Education
Chapter of a Book:
Blanton, H., & Ikizer, E.G. (2018, November). Elegant Science Narratives and Unintended Influences: An Agenda for the Science of Science Communication. Retrieved from
Journal Article:
Rabinovych, S. (2018). Improving employment outcomes of career and technical education students. Higher Education, 8(4), 469-483.
Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses:
Gabidullin, A.S. (2004) Teaching students the ability to explain the phenomena in the teaching of Science subjects in VI – VII classes. (Doctoral thesis, Kazan State Pedagogical Institute, Kazan, Russian Federation).
Proceedings of Meetings and Symposia:
Kay, G. (1999). Self-determination in Aboriginal education. In L. B. Muller (Ed.), Changing the climate: Proceedings of the 1998 Conference for Graduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 12-14). Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan.
Web Page:
Dovidio, J.F., & Gaertner, S.L. (2018). Aversive racism. In J. Olson and M.P. Zanna (Eds.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 1–52). San Diego: Academic Press.
References необходимо оформлять в соответствии с АРА 6th Edition. Наиболее распространенные примеры оформления размещены ниже:
Babanskii, Y.K. (1988). Pedagogy. Moscow: Education.
Beck, C.A., & Sales, B.D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington: American Psychological Association.
Chapter of a Book:
Dovidio, J.F., & Gaertner, S.L. (2018). Aversive racism. In J. Olson and M.P. Zanna (Eds.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 1–52). San Diego: Academic Press.
Journal Article:
Rabinovych, S. (2018). Improving employment outcomes of career and technical education students. Higher Education, 8(4), 469-483.
Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses:
Gabidullin, A.S. (2004) Teaching students the ability to explain the phenomena in the teaching of Science subjects in VI – VII classes. (Doctoral thesis, Kazan State Pedagogical Institute, Kazan, Russian Federation).
Proceedings of Meetings and Symposia:
Kay, G. (1999). Self-determination in Aboriginal education. In L. B. Muller (Ed.), Changing the climate: Proceedings of the 1998 Conference for Graduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 12-14). Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan.
Web Page:
Blanton, H., & Ikizer, E.G. (2018, November). Elegant Science Narratives and Unintended Influences: An Agenda for the Science of Science Communication. Retrieved from